Change One Thing

One Question to Uncover a World of Potential

Change One Thing
Envisioning Change: A Circle of Diversity, Ideas, and Potential — Each Orb Illuminates a Unique Vision

One Question to Uncover a World of Potential

"If you could change one thing about the world, in a hypothetical scenario where you have all the means to achieve your desired outcome, what would it be?"

I've posed this question to every interviewee I've encountered, and the responses, numbering in the hundreds, have been as varied as they are enlightening. This question, a novelty in formal interviews, often catches candidates off guard. There's no correct answer, but the responses can be incredibly revealing, offering a glimpse into how people think and value different aspects of life.

When candidates reach me for a hiring decision, they've navigated the technical and HR rounds. My role then shifts to delve deeper, seeking to understand the person beyond their qualifications. Who are we hiring? What ignites their passion, brings them joy, and shapes their view of the world? How do they, through their unique lens, envision making the world a better place? This unconventional approach often surprises candidates, reflecting my unorthodox nature.

Encouraged by the hiring manager and informed by input from previous interview rounds, these discussions often evolve into meaningful conversations. We explore a range of topics, taking as long as necessary to reach a point of understanding—the intersection of possibility. These dialogues, sometimes extending over an hour, have been invaluable.

This process has no incorrect answers, though some might lack depth. Each response offers insight into the candidate's potential fit and ability to think creatively about the world around them. The diversity of these viewpoints, shaped by individual life experiences and coming from people around the globe, is fascinating. Most answers revolve around human nature, societal issues, or perceptions thereof.

Ultimately, my approach aims to discern who we integrate into our team. While we can teach those eager to learn the necessary skills, their willingness to meld and contribute to the team spells our collective success. Finding the right people and maximizing their potential to serve our clients effectively hinges on asking the right questions and attentively listening to their responses. With a bit of applied creativity, we have frequently found candidates better suited for other roles through these conversations and, for others, created roles that we could envision based on the post-conversation reflections.

Admittedly, it also helped fuel my unending curiosity. I have long thought about the world, our place, and how we might leave it better than we found it. Having spent countless hours reflecting on our systems, problems, and opportunities, I am always excited to hear others' perspectives and discover how implementable such an approach might be. This has and will continue to shape my view and thoughts of our world and our place in it.

So, I pose you this question: "If you could change one thing about the world, given full means to achieve it, what would you choose?"

I'm eager to hear your thoughts. Please reach out and share your perspective.